User Agreement 1. General Provisions This User Agreement (hereinafter - the Agreement) defines the terms and conditions of use of VPN service (hereinafter - the Service) by individuals and legal entities (hereinafter - the User). Subject of the agreement 2.1 The Service gives Users access to the encrypted channel of communication which allows them to hide their IP-address and location. 2.2 The Service does not keep any logs about actions of Users, including their IP-addresses, visited sites and downloaded files. Rights and obligations of the User 3.1 The User has the right: Use the Service in accordance with its functionality. Receive support from the administration of the Service. 3.2 The User is obliged to: Not to use the Service for sending spam, viruses and other malicious information. Not to use the Service for illegal activities, including port scanning, server hacking, etc. Rights and obligations of the Service 4.1 The Service has the right: Suspend or terminate the User's access to the Service if the User violates the terms of this Agreement. Change the terms of this Agreement without prior notice to the User. 4.2 The Service is obliged to: Provide Users with access to the Service in accordance with its functionality. Provide security of personal data of Users. Responsibility of the parties 5.1 The Service is not responsible for any losses incurred by the User as a result of using the Service. 5.2 The User is responsible for any losses incurred by the Service as a result of using the Service. Final provisions 6.1 This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its acceptance by the User. 6.2 This Agreement shall be governed by the legislation of Georgia. Additional provisions 7.1 The Service does not keep any logs about the actions of Users, including their IP-addresses, visited sites and downloaded files. 7.2. It is forbidden to send spam, virus programs and other malicious information. 7.3 Virus activity, including the distribution of viruses, Trojans and other malicious programs, is prohibited. 7.4 The sending of personal information, including names, addresses, phone numbers and other data that can be used for personal identification is prohibited. 7.5 Any illegal activity (port scanning, etc.) is prohibited, both in the jurisdiction of the service and in the jurisdiction of the user.